If you are contemplating the prospect of getting dental implants, one of the biggest concerns you may have could be related to cost. You have a budget to stick to, and it is reasonable that you are eager to learn how your treatment might affect it. Unfortunately, the cost of dental implants can vary greatly from case to case; you need to attend a consultation to get pricing information for your unique situation. Your dental team will take several factors into account as they are preparing your estimate, including:
Preliminary Care
Even before you receive implants, you might need one or more preparatory procedures. For example, your dentist might have to remove one or more teeth that are in poor condition. Or, you might need a bone graft or gum disease therapy. All such treatments come with their own price.
The Number of Implants Needed
If you are missing just one tooth, you may have a fairly straightforward procedure with a relatively affordable price. If your tooth loss is more extensive, though, your care team will need to use more implants and charge higher fees. Completely replacing an arch of missing teeth can require four or more implant posts.
Dental implants are usually made of medical-grade titanium alloy, which tends to work well within the human body. The restorations (crowns, bridges, and dentures) that get placed on top of implants are often made of porcelain or ceramic. The specific materials used, as well as the manufacturer that provides them, can affect patient costs.
Your Care Team
The cost of living in your local area, as well as the qualifications of your care team, may have a big impact on the total price of your dental implant procedure. It does not hurt to get estimates from a few different providers. However, keep in mind that cheaper is not always better; choosing a trustworthy dentist should be your priority.
Affording Dental Implants
Dental implants can seem expensive, especially when compared to conventional forms of tooth replacement. However, they can provide truly priceless benefits, such as strong oral function and support for the health of your jawbone. Plus, provisions are available that can make dental implants surprisingly affordable. For example, you may qualify for low-interest financing, or your dentist may offer an in-house savings plan. Your insurance might even cover a portion of your care.
The cost of dental implants can vary greatly. Talk to your dental team to get a realistic idea of how this treatment might affect your budget.
Meet the Practice
The team of six dentists at Sandy Lake Dental & Orthodontics is proud to offer start-to-finish dental implant services in our modern, comfortable office. We strive to provide top-quality care while charging reasonable prices. We also have flexible payment options, including financing. To learn more about us and what you can expect during your tooth replacement journey, contact our Coppell office at 972-393-7348.